- Break down problem
- Code executes sequentially
- vars hold their value
- (little sister problem)
- ints
- doubles
- chars
- bools
- #define
- formatting
- library functions (printf)
- user defined
- if/else
- and
or ||
not !
- Comparisons
- Greater Than
Less Than ‘<’
- Equal to
Not Equal to !=
- Greater Than or Equal to
, Less Than or Equal to <=
- basic idea of an object
- Objects we’ll use in robots
- motor controllers (set speed, get encoder, etc)
- joystick/controller (get button, get joystick, etc)
- Attributes (variables stored inside of the object)
- Methods (functions tied to the object, e.g.
Basic Subsystem
Basic Driving
- read joystick(s)
- drive motors
- conditionals
- read buttons
- run motors / pneumatics
- use digital sensors (limit switch, light sensor, etc)
Basic Auto
- use timing to control distances
- sequential instructions
Beyond “Go”: SparkMax & TalonSRX Libraries
- curent sensing/limiting
- read/use sensors
- motor modes
Advanced Subsystem
- positional/velocity control (arm v shooter)
- use encoders
- tune PID loops
Combining Steps
- Combine/modify commands
- keep track of states
- control multiple subsystems with one command
Advanced Auto
- use encoders to drive specific distances
- read gyro/use to control turn angle
- combining instructions
Advanced Controls
- “Cheesy Drive”
- Constant Radius Turn
- Quick Turn Button
- Velocity Control (Feed Forward, PID)