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Little Dog Racing Build Log, Summer 2019: Lemon Aid

June 1st

Measure, cut, and weld the chassis frame


June 18th

Design logo

July 3rd

Buy parts: hubs, wheels, steering column, steering knuckles, axel, brakes, sprockets, motor, motor controller, misc electronics

July 4th

Weld rear axle plates and steering knuckle mounts, install rear axle and steering knuckles.


July 5th

Install steering column, begin planning motor mount


July 8th

Weld handlebar to steering column, reinforce steering column, install tie rods between steering column and steering knuckles.


July 10th

Assemble wheels + tires and attach them to rear axel and steering knuckles. Weld motor mount plate to rear of cart. Weld and mount braking assembly.


July 11th Preliminary electronics wiring, temporary seat install, weld “wings” to protect inside wheel base, test drive!

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July 18th

Improves the keep-out ability of wings, first attempt at making a lemon. Install mountain bike handles to handlebar


July 20th

editors note: Significantly less photos have been taken at this point

Create plywood bellypan, add foot rests, create finalized electronics placement, add ambulance lights.


July 21st

Last day to work on cart before shipping.

Make it pretty:


Lots of test drives, adjusting gearing and finding electronics gremlins


Ship our gokart + 2 others top Detroit


July 23rd

Create additional team image supplies

About our theme: We’re Lemon Aid because I thought building a Lemon as a car would be hilarious. However, Lemon doesn’t make for great announcing. We switched once we realized the additional potential of Lemon Aid (and how much better it rolls off the tongue). It allowed me to build a lemon and use a silly pun. Win-win!


July 27th - Novermber Races!

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